Lesson: How Monopolies Form: Barriers to Entry

Natural Monopoly (continued)

Natural Monopoly (continued)

  • In some markets, it is more efficient for a natural monopoly. For example, consumers do not need multiple utility providers.
  • If there are multiple utility provider, it is harder for consumers to get the utilities in their community, and it is it harder for businesses who need the supplies from these utility companies.
  • There are only two companies worldwide that build planes. Because there are two companies, they are called a duopoly rather than a monopoly.
  • Economies of scale happen when production increases and cost decreases. If a natural monopoly has an economy of scale, they are the large producer of goods and services at the lowest cost per unit.

Now consider the market demand curve in the diagram, which intersects the long-run average cost (LRAC) curve at an output level of 5,000 planes per year and at a price P1, which is higher than P0. In this situation, the market has room for only one producer. If a second firm attempts to enter the market at a smaller size, say by producing a quantity of 4,000 planes, then its average costs will be higher than those of the existing firm, and it will be unable to compete. If the second firm attempts to enter the market at a larger size, like 8,000 planes per year, then it could produce at a lower average cost—but it could not sell all 8,000 planes that it produced because of insufficient demand in the market.

Economists call this situation, when economies of scale are large relative to the quantity demanded in the market, a natural monopoly. Natural monopolies often arise in industries where the marginal cost of adding an additional customer is very low, once the fixed costs of the overall system are in place. This results in situations where there are substantial economies of scale. For example, once a water company lays the main water pipes through a neighborhood, the marginal cost of providing water service to another home is low. Once the electric company installs lines in a new subdivision, the marginal cost of providing additional electrical service to one more home is minimal. It would be costly and duplicative for a second water company to enter the market and invest in a whole second set of main water pipes, or for a second electricity company to enter the market and invest in a whole new set of electrical wires. These industries offer an example where, because of economies of scale, one producer can serve the entire market more efficiently than several smaller producers that would need to make duplicate physical capital investments. 

A natural monopoly can also arise in smaller local markets for products that are difficult to transport. For example, cement production exhibits economies of scale, and the quantity of cement demanded in a local area may not be much larger than what a single plant can produce. Moreover, the costs of transporting cement over land are high, and so a cement plant in an area without access to water transportation may be a natural monopoly.