Blackscreen Canadastone 美国大战加拿大Logo Canadastone Flag Candadian Canadastone Canadastone Canadastone Canadastone Canadastone Cannon Fire GIF Cannon Fire GIF Cannon GIF Trump Micky Wcdonald James Pangartica Mound Chatter teeth GIF Canada Trap 美利坚大炸弹
Update History
Ver 19 Added an ending with song.
Ver 18 Changed the weapon buttons from vertical to horizontal. Added shooter, queen level, and updated almanac.
Ver 17 Added a timer man to prepare for queen attack. Added Canadian flag pole and leaves.
Ver 16 Adjested queen health from 1000 to 350. Added queen music, queen sounds.
Ver 15 Adjested the cost for building wall from 1000 to 500. Added sound for mower, and house deduction.
Ver 14 Added sounds, button textures for turrets, and costs for turret placement. Texures for American pavement, flag, James, etc.
Ver 13 Added mouse trap, and 放置美利坚大炸弹(战术型)
Ver 12 Added basic tower placement code.
Ver 11 Added Mike, fence texture, city texture, the wall's functionalites, favicon, and the ability to lose the game
Ver 10 Added the home counter. Renamed score to "YEE-HAW", Along with adding corresponding textures.
Ver 9 Removed the new special enemies since the new code broke the game. Added mowers and queen texture.
Ver 8 Added Maple Guy, Hat Guy, Tim Hortons Guy. Added the Canada pavement texture.
Ver 7 Added health bar for Queen
Ver 6 Added Queen and lane textures
Ver 4 Added Wall Btn, Harry, Bo, Flag Guy, Score, and Puncher image
Ver 2 Added enemy image
Ver 1 Added enemy spawning
This game is satire, please dont get offended